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"Mini Lop Rabbits for sale in Poole, Dorset"

Our Pet Boy


There are two very serious illnesses which can affect rabbits and both of these have a vaccination which is very important for the protection of your rabbit.



Myxomatosis is caused by a virus. It is a type of Pox virus and grows best in a rabbit’s skin.

Symptoms include puffy, fluid swelling around the head and face. 'Sleepy eyes' are a classic sign along with swollen lips, tinny swellings on the inside of the ear and puffy swelling around the anus and genitalia. Within a day these swellings can become severe and cause blindness.

A single vaccination should be given to rabbits over 6 weeks of age. Boosters are required. Ask your Vet for further advice



VHD affects rabbits over 6 weeks of age. Symptoms, which can vary, include loss of appetite and nose bleeding. Nearly 50% of rabbits who catch this disease will not survive.

Vaccinations can be given from 9 - 12 weeks of age and an annual booster is required. Ask your Vet for further advice.


Both of these viruses, as well as Flystrike are probably a Death Sentence to your Pet!


  1. find a Vet with Experience of Dwarf or Mini Rabbits. Best thing is to find and contact a local small rabbit breeder and I'm sure they will be more than happy to tell you which vet to use and which not.My local Vet has a very Good Bunny Vet lady!

  2. Go see you chosen vet to see if they fit you. Some won't you hopefully will feel it?

  3. Book your new bunny/s in for there jabs. Most Vets will have some [payment plan I highly recomend you sighn up for something that covers jabs and checkups as a minimum. More if you wish? 

  4. Get your Bunny/s neutered if they are a pet as they WILL get hormonal and You do Not want that!



If you want to know lots more about the Mini Lop click the button below and visit Ruskin Stud as they are most definatley experts and have a fantastic site!

Owning any rabbit needs lots of careful research and preparation. You need to be sure that you can provide lifetime care which can be 7 to 10 years or maybe a little more.

Decide if your rabbit will be an indoor or an outdoor bun and plan for his arrival before you choose one.


The Mini Lop rabbit breed are small sized rabbits and need a minimum hutch length of 4’x2’x2’ is great for just one who is going to be with you most of the day. A 6ft x 2ft x 2ft this is ideal for one or two rabbits. All rabbits need access to a run or the garden on a regular preferably daily basis. 4 hours a day is good but watch them as they Can Dig! Be sure your garden is secure for your rabbit if it is free running or that there is a run is of adequate size - 6ft length is minimum required. Check your garden for plants which are toxic for rabbits.                                                                                                                    (You will be surprised)! 



Rabbits need a daily supply of fresh dry-food, hay, hay more hay and water. If your rabbit has been used to eating greens then these can be offered however too many greens can cause soft droppings. I have found that Broccoli (Which they love) will upset one but not the other.

When you have chosen your new rabbit give it a chance to settle into its new home. Ideally put into the new hutch and leave inside for at least one day. Teach your new rabbit that you are nothing to be scared of. Use its name, have a veg treat for it and let it come and sniff your hand before you take it from its hutch. Handle it every day more than once. You should have been given at least a week’s supply of food that your rabbit is used to. I always prefer my rabbits to continue on the food they are used to but if you want to switch to your choice do this gradually, mixing a little into the current food, gradually increasing the new food over a week or preferably a two week period, then you can switch to just the new food. (If you don’t have a fussy bunny as we do)? If you do have a fussy one then best try a blend of the two your bunny is happy with and stick with it. 

Rabbits will not eat dirty old hay, they need to graze on fresh hay or grass most of the day to keep their teeth in order. Why not be creative and stuff a toilet roll card tube with it? When they are old enough (6 Weeks plus depending on any upsets) put a treat in the centre so he has to work for it.

During warm weather as we have now, (07/14) Flystrike is a serious problem which must be prevented. It can be a Threat anytime Flies are active!

Flystrike is where a fly lays its eggs around the rabbit’s bottom and these hatch as maggots and can burrow into the rabbits anus and skin. This is usually fatal in rabbits.

The maggots give off a poison which can get into the rabbits system. Initially it works like an aesthetic and the rabbit will feel no pain but become listless etc. Be sure to regularly check your rabbits bottom to be sure it is clean.




A rabbit will usually keep its bottom clean unless it is unwell, or is overweight and unable to reach its bottom.                            

Rabbits such as these need to be kept clean and if necessary you must help your rabbit by carefully removing any poops from around its bottom. Warm water will loosen any stuck pieces. If your rabbit appears well and can reach its bottom it should finish off any cleaning itself.

Too many greens can make a rabbit have wet poops (too many dandylion and/or bramble leaves do it) which can easily get stuck to their fur. (Some damp poo like a string of pearls or a Pinecone are normal some of the time).


To help try and keep the flys away from the rabbit, Try lavender plants near the hutch, lavender talc onto your bunny’s bottom. (They Will eat the Plants so put out of reach!

I am trying a rape straw bedding with lemon which does seem to keep the flies away. After years of using it I would say that it is not bad Possibly the best way to keep the flies down is to Clean your hutch Daily depending on how many bunnies and how much mess they make in it? Ours seem to use the huch as their toilet as soon as you clean and add fresh bedding? They don't leave much in the garden


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